Reflektori CoolTube është reflektor rumbullak prej gjami cili mundëson ftohjën e HPS dhe MH poçave përmes ventillatorit ekstraktor.HPS edhe MH poçi prodhojnë temperaturë të nalt dhe ky reflektor e siguron temperaturën e ulët tek bimët e juaj!
The reflector tubular Cool Tube is made of Pyrex-glass(glass that is resistant to high temperatures) with 2 openings in 150 mm.It connects to an extractor (RVK 125 or RVK 160 with a gearbox) to remove the heat at its source and thus bring the lighting of the tops of the plants, which will benefit a maximum of lumens (no risk of burning).
In addition there is the reflector outside for that price !!!
Take advantage of this quickly !!!
Comes with inner reflector and outer, socket E40 integrated and retaining screw mounted.
Dimensions : 50 cm long and 150mm in diameter.